“I’m proud of my child,” says a proud-stricken parent walking aside me. He was an absolute stranger for me, just met at the school gate when he was waiting for a cab with his two children. He added, their mother will be happier and he didn't forget to assure the children that a cheese-bursting pizza is in making for their achievement in the academics.
I can see a thousand stars making a halo up around the children, in their hearts. These are moments of happiness hinted with heartful proud. Because it’s amazing to make our parents proud of us, isn’t it?
Just after a short introduction, I asked about the achievement that they’ve made, with my sheer enthusiasm. I love to hear the feats of children. In their early life its good to encourage them to keep their thirst to be more productive and successful.
The man answered me with an enlightened admiration, they scored high, really higher than anyone in the school and above that, they defeated their competitors direly. He keeps looking at the scorecards and releasing loads of sighs which is scented with superior gratification and it is obvious on each of his breaths.
I appreciated the achievement that they could score high, but I couldn’t admire the latter stated comment that they defeat their classmates/competitors terribly.
I asked the man abruptly, why did they defeat their competitors when they can win and drink the cup of success together.
A furious snare loomed over me, but, it was swept away by the eastern-breeze of happiness which brought by the scorecard, my luck, thank God!
This is something serious that we need to discourse within our hearts than agree more with the online chat boxes and forums of parenting, isn’t it, I asked with an eager gesture.
“Let our children the makers of success”, wouldn't it sounds more good!
All of a sudden, I could see a mix of different colors of emotion sweeping over the face of the man, and it reached till to his palm.
Rubbing his right-hand palm he gives me an extremely insecure gaze. I thought it was a preparation for a debatable answer and an absolute warning to shut my mouth outrightly.
Never mind, I went forward and ask for an answer again. However, the man-made up a reply- “everyone wishes to see their children the best, you cannot understand it until you became a father.” “it's tough to be successful, in this racing and raging society, he continues.
I know, how hard I have been doing to lead my life at least to pretend like a successful person, husband, father, entrepreneur, professional and a social animal.
Moreover, with a friendly brother-like pat on my shoulder, he told me, dear brother, is this the way how you inspire yourself or how your parents encourage you all these while?
Thinking over a sec of time, I realized that and told him, if I would walk alike my father and within the boundaries that he chalked before me. I will also be more like a dead fish. In contrast, the moment I decided to walk astray from all the prefixed norms and set my feet to a no-way, made me begin this dialogue with you.
When I start my journey to a NO-WAY, I began not only a mere journey to an uncertain destiny but also a new and novice walkway that opens a new path for others' life to explore and to experience.
And above all, I could see a sundry of quirks and learn a lot more metamorphic lessons that can insanely high above. Bu, the only factor that takes hold of many of our authentic success is our fear of the future. In fact, those lessons are far away from the constructed curriculum you are feeding to your children.
I shared a snippet of my journey that has been exclusively taught me “How to be a maker of successes rather than a mere success.”
And I continue to speak on it. It all about the first step and it takes courage, determination and sometimes looks irrational even. But, a subtle streak of confidence to climb the first rung is far enough to show the world, there is a lot of meaningful-sidewalks to reach our goal- successful.
I told the man, teach the children not only to walk but also to lead. Teach them not only to leap but also to push others. Teach the children not only just get inspired, but also be an inspiration.
The man just stands and stumbled. Looks perplexed and take a look around, but he couldn’t find a single living fish swims across. He just smirked at me and snubbed me, said, all are dead fish, why should I then and my children? He walked across the street with a great ambush.
But I’m happy for at least I could plant a seed in his heart and yours as well.
Be the change that we want to see!
Thank you
God bless you.