Rapture: what if it is soon?

5 min readApr 10, 2020


The purpose of all of our lives here on this earth is to ensure our flight on the Rapture. I’m not just bashing out about the life goal of Christians of all sort, but the matter of the entire humanity. (coz’ each one of us counts)

Even though we believe it or not, each one and all of us has to face it unapologetically in our life or after!

It is for appearing before the seat of judgment to accept what is due for us. That would be ultimately founded on the things we did while in the body, whether good or bad. Above that, Rapture is the completion of the purpose of the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and a promise of God.

Unfortunately, a vast majority of our kind got deceived by the devil's schemes and walked astray from the truth as I and you were. However, all we can do is to pray and inform them the truth is not what they are after but it is with Jesus Christ.

Above that, those who know the real God, seem to be intentionally ignoring him which is more hurting than what who never knows God does at all. And those we Christians are waiting for the rapture desperately as well.

Hence, the rapture is the default hope that we all have regardless of our readiness for it anytime.

But to attain this hope is not as essays a pie, but cost our beloved one and only life in this earth intact. Though it is free doesn't mean that it is cheap in value! It is precious than all the perishing possessions we have and it is costlier than the precious treasures in the earth.

It necessitates us to leave ourselves behind and take the cross of Jesus Christ. Plus it urges us to be dead in the desires of the world and delight in God alone. And it is the life that is eternal!

Jesus said in john 11:25, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. This is the hope we have, and that connects us to the Rapture intact.

Beyond the fact, the Rapture is a relish and an event of hope that a lot of believers are waiting for with their oil in the lamps. Besides, it is a dreadful event that shatters the joy of many who sleeps and ignoring the bridegroom’s coming.

Yet, for us, it is not an event from nowhere; but the summed up result of our lives we lived since our re-birth after we know and accept Jesus Christ as our God and get baptized in the name of the father, son and the holy spirit.

Because rapture is the promise of God to his church (the group of holy people). Those who accept Jesus and abide by the words of God and upkeep their integrity in Christ until the moment of the rapture will be taken up instantly.

Quite surprisingly, I happened to saw a sticker behind a car that says, “Warning! In case of Rapture, this car will be unmanned!” The delight that car owner holds on their heart amazed me, and when I saw the same car screeching across my street, screaming at an older man to move-over stumbled me in wonder.

That statement of faith I saw on the car quadrupled my attention in the hope that Christ left for you and me. And the second instance prompted me to measure my confidence that I have upon my flight on the Rapture (‘coz the way we think and live matters to define our identity in Christ, and further it constitutes to our Rapture).

That flickered my impulses again to take Rapture in significance as it is the hope of the Christian community, and I anticipate.

Once, I was also so diligent in regard to this term rapture and keep my consciousness straight to that. Each word I speak, each thought that brews from my heart and each way I express my emotions and feeling used to double-checked and validated.

I used to dodge from any provocation that drives me away from the presence of God and that correspondence that consequent in ungodly affairs. And it was the story of years back that still exists to recall often.

But in fact, the matter of rapture is not about the past stories and sagacious past that we had in our lives, but he presents and the very moment when it happens at the mid of the sky!

Given rapture as the utmost goal and a delightful journey, there are several factors that we have to put in parenthesis to double-check for validating our relevance on that instance and the second coming of Christ.

It made me think about my state of hope on the Rapture, and as a person, what is my likelihood to get selected even though I’m a born again Christian.

And those thought-provoking questions brought a whole lot of apprehensions that are hovering around our Christian world to my mind.

The questions about the way we abide by the law, the way our culture aligns with our God, the way our apprehension about life, and the way we reflect Jesus Christ in our lives and so on that counts as a matter that determines our Rapture outrightly.

Is everyone around us could see Jesus Christ in us. Do they can hear Jesus Christ from us or do we sound like a reflection of Christ while conversing with them.

Let alone our enemies and not so close companies, what about our families, close relatives, neighbors, and friends? Are they could at least see the image of Christ on us!

If not, on what base are we waiting for that great event-rapture! Is it for a great regret or to endure the great tribulation and get martyred for christ for the extended seven years and attain salvation which is not even sure that we can endure through!

If you are waiting for a moment to turn back from the world and get ready for the rapture anytime, this is it! Though we don't know the time, the only possibility to get selected on the event is to be filled with the oil (holy spirit). No one will sell the oil at that moment and never you can find the oil. If we find empty of the fire we will be abandoned.

In short, our whole life (every instance since after our submission to God) is accountable for determining our share of joy in Rapture. Plus, we have to keep our lives as a shining mirror that the holy spirit can see as a place that matches with his holiness and with all the righteous characteristics.

Even so, if we fail to upkeep and reflect the slightest attribute of the culture of the holy spirit, we will fail to find a leg-space over the moment of Rapture.

And keep in mind, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” So, for It is spontaneous (and hope it is soon), be Christ-like in life through grace! And be Rapture-ready in life at all!

God Bless




Written by Zojyy

A writer by passion and profession. A researcher in every evolving nuances of society, technology, and its prolific culture. Further, a follower of truth.

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